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Passive Fire Protection

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Passive Fire Protection

The aim of “Passive Fire Protection” is to contain or slow down a fires ability to spread from where it originated to other parts of the building. This provides more time for occupants to escape safely while minimising any damage to property.

The most effective way for this to be achieved is through ‘Compartmentalisation‘ which breaks down a building into smaller compartments with the use of fire rated walls and floors.

Passive Fire Protection Systems

Openings in fire rated walls and floors need to be protected by fully tested or assessed systems to ensure the fire resistance level of the substrate is maintained. Whilst this may seem a simple process, we see many installations that do not meet the required criteria. When you have multiple trade services passing through one penetration each item will have a different product tested or assessed. Therefore no one product would suit all the services.


Doorways in fire rated walls have to be protected by a fire rated door assembly which includes a fire rated frame, fire rated door with all the hardware component’s to be installed are required to be fire rated, tested and approved for use with the prototype.

Large openings up to 5 metres high and 8 metres wide can be protected with a sliding fire rated door. These are usually found in industrial settings like mine sites and warehouses where plant or machinery may need to be moved. Safetytech operate a team of highly experienced trades men who have over 20 years’ experience in both installation, repairs, maintenance and inspection of fire rated doors. Our staff also hold asbestos handling licences to replace the large quantities of asbestos doors install throughout Western Australia from the 1960’s through to the late 1980’s.


Any service penetrating a fire rated wall or floor requires to be sealed correctly to maintain the integrity and insulation of the substrates fire resistance level.

This could be a PVC plumbing pipe, an electrical or communications cable, a sprinkler pipe, mechanical services pipes or even ductwork, all of which need to be protected by a ‘tested system’ in line with the requirements set out in AS1530.4 and AS4072.1.

Safetytech through innovation are operating a sophisticated app via our field smart devices which allows us to enter different services. Once the information is input, our system will automatically identify the products required, how they are to be installed and provides the test certificates to suit.

NCC 2019

C3.15 Openings for service installations
Where an electrical, electronic, plumbing, mechanical ventilation, air-conditioning or other service penetrates a building element (other than an external wall or roof) that is required to have an FRL with respect to integrity or insulation or a resistance to the incipient spread of fire, that installation must comply with any one of the following:

(a) Tested systems
(i) The service, building element and any protection method at the penetration-
(A) are identical with a prototype assembly of the service, building element and protection method which has been tested in accordance with AS
4072.1 and AS 1530.4 and has achieved the required FRL or resistance to the incipient spread of fire; or
(B) differ from a prototype assembly of the service, building element and protection method
in accordance with Section 4 of AS 4072.1
(ii) It complies with (i) except for the insulation criteria relating to the service if –
(A) the service is a pipe system comprised entirely of metal (excluding pipe seal or the like); and
(B) any combustible building element is not located within 100 mm of the service for a distance of 2 m from the penetration; and
(C) combustible material is not able to be located within 100 mm of the service for a distance of 2m from the penetration; and
(D) it is not located in a required exit.
(iii) The determination of the required FRL must be confirmed in a report from an Accredited Testing Laboratory in accordance with Schedule 5.
(b) Ventilation and air-conditioning– In the case of ventilating or air- conditioning ducts or equipment, the installation is in accordance with AS/NZS 1668.1
(c) Compliance with Specification C3.15
(i) The service is a pipe system comprised entirely of metal (excluding pipe seals or the like) and is installed in accordance with Specification C 3.15 and it-
(A) penetrates a wall, floor or ceiling, but not a ceiling required to have a resistance to the incipient spread of fire; and
(B) connects not more than 2 fire compartments in addition to any fireresisting service shafts; and
(C) does not contain a flammable or combustible liquid or gas.
(ii) The service is sanitary plumbing installed in accordance with Specification C3.15 and it-
(A) is of metal or UPVC pipe; and
(B) penetrates the floors of a Class 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9b building; and
(C) is in sanitary compartment separated from other parts of the building by walls with the FRL required by Specification C1.1 for stair shaft in the building and self-closing -/60/30 fire door.
(iii) The service is a wire or cable, or a cluster of wires or cables installed in accordance with Specification C3.15 and it –
(A) penetrates a wall, floor or ceiling, but not a ceiling required to have a resistance to the incipient spread of fire; and
(B) connects not more than 2 fire compartments in addition to any fireresisting service shafts.
(iv) The service is an electrical switch, outlet, or the like, and it is installed in accordance with Specification C3.15.


We provide full certification including labels as per AS4072.1 for all our installations and independent third party inspections for building compliance.
Our supply of products are world renowned which have gone through vigorous fire testing at approved testing facilities and can provide all relevant test reports and assessments.


Our I&T division routinely inspect and test fire safety doors on a 6-monthly basis (sliding fire doors 3 monthly) and service penetrations annually as per AS1851.12.
We believe the upkeep and urgent repairs of installed assets is key for longevity and safety.

Construction Stage Multi Trade Intergration

Often overlooked by builders and service trades at construction stage is the requirement to seal penetrations passing through fire compartments. Safetytech offer a brief pre-construction to educate all trade combined of their requirements and offer our expertise services if required. We often find that this brief helps keep costs down and helps avoid inconsistencies in both the Australian Standards & NCC.

Passive Fire Protection is one of the more crucial components within a building that in the event of a fire will play a major part in saving lives.