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FireMortar-360 20kg

$137.80 Exc. GST

We’re proud to introduce a Fire Rated Mortar that’s setting new standards in quality and performance.

The new FireMortar-360 – fire rated for an impressive 360 minutes in both Integrity and Insulation for nearly all applications.

Approved to AS1530.4:2005 and EN1366, FireMortar-360 comes with an FRL of -/360/360 in extra large appetures up to 1.2m x 1.2m, or 1.44 sq metres.

FireMortar-360 doesn’t only outperform its competitors in the field of Fire Rating. Its load-bearing characteristics offer an unmatched solution for floor penetrations and appetures.

FireMortar-360 sets new standards in fire rated mortar.

Part Number: BFM360 Categories: ,
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  • Box Quantity : 10
  • Single Units : Yes

Product Information

  • Offers up to – /360/360 FRL
  • Can be reactivated to extend working time
  • Suitable for indoor and outdoor use
  • Acoustic insulation
  • Free of halogens, asbestos, fibres and silica
  • Non – toxic
  • Load bearing
  • Large opening sizes

FireMortar – 360 is a unique one – part synthetic mortar which can be trowelable or pourable, suitable for sealing opening in walls and floors to prevent the passage of fire and smoke.

FireMortar – 360 is strong and non – combustible. It offers load bearing properties up to 5k N/m 2 and offers up to 6 hours integrity and insulation, as follows:

  • 6 hours fire resistance for 100mm thickness
  • 4 hours fire resistance for 75mm thickness
  • 4 hours fire resistance for 50mm thickness

In normal use, FireMortar – 360 will also maintain the sound reduction index of a structure. FireMortar – 360 superior acoustic properties means it offers up to a 46dB sound reduction, making it ideal for high performance STC installations.

Physical Specification
FireMortar – 360 is an off – white free flowing powder that, when mixed with water, provides a strong, load bearing fire resistant mortar.

Sizes available: 20kg bags
Product code: FM360
Colour: Off white
Density: 1100kg/m 3
FRL: Up to – /360/360
Fire barrier: 6 hours at 100mm thickness 4 hours at 75mm thickness 4 hours at 50mm thickness
Rw Rating: 46dB reduction at 100mm

FireMortar – 360 is totally non – combustible and expands when activated with water, providing an excellent seal around openings, penetrations and services, and a strong bond to surrounding masonry. FireMortar – 360 can be mixed to a trowelable or pourable grade, and also can be reactivated by up to 2 hours by further mixing with water.

Pourable Grade: Powder:Water = 3:2
Trowelable Grade: Powder:Water = 2:1

FireMortar – 360 should be stored ideally between 5 0 C and 25 0 C indoors and above ground. Keep in a dry, well ventilated area.

Thicknesses & FRLS – Walls & Floors

FireMortar-360 thickness Max Opening size (mm) FRL
50 600 x any length* -/240/60
50 1200 x 1200 -/240/60
75 600 x any length* -/240/120
75 1200 x 1200 -/240/120
100 600 x any length* -/240/240
100 1200 x 1200 -/240/240
100 720 x 720 -/360/360

* supports are required at 1200mm intervals

FireMortar – 360 can also be used with a variety of services which will not be detrimental to the integrity of the systems specified above.

The insulation of the service itself may diminish while the mortar face does not fail. Typical insulation values of penetrating services are as follows:

FireMortar-360 thickness Penetrating Service Insulation (min)
100 Cable tray & cables 60
105 Damper & sleeve 30
50 Cable tray & cables 30
50 75mm dia steel pipe 23

Reinforcement & Supports
Where the width of the FireMortar – 360 specimen does not exceed 600mm, any practical length may be used provided steel supports are installed for reinforcement. These supports must be fixed to the inside of the aperture with at least M8 concrete anchor bolts.

Support of a minimum of 30mm x 30mm x 1.6mm steel angle is to be used.

Additional information

Weight 20 kg